Right now


Here, in addition to the latest news, you will find TUO's blog and event calendar.

Opiskelijakunta TUOn edustajiston syyskokous 14.10.2024

Opiskelijakunta TUOn edustajiston syyskokous 14.10.2024

Hei jäsen, Edustajiston syyskokous pidetään maanantaina 14.10.2024 klo 17:00 alkaen. Kokous pidetään EduCityn kampuksella tilassa EDU_1002 Moriaberg, kokousta ovat tervetulleet seuraamaan kaikki opiskelijakunnan jäsenet. Kokouksen esityslista löytyy täältä!...

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Vaalikuulutus: Edustajistovaalit 2024

Vaalikuulutus: Edustajistovaalit 2024

Turun ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta – TUO järjestää edustajistovaalit keskiviikkona 6.11.2024. Varsinaisen vaalipäivän lisäksi järjestetään ennakkoäänestys sähköisenä äänestyksenä. Ennakkoäänestyksen ajankohta on maanantaina 28.10.2024 alkaen klo 00:00 ja...

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Event calendar

From below you can find TUO's incoming events

1.3. - 31.5.2024 | Kulttuuriapprot

TUO and Study in Turku are organizing together, for the first time ever, Kulttuuriapprot (a "culture appro" event) between March 1st and May 31st, 2024. For the event, you will receive a free appro pass, in which you collect stamps in an appro style from various cultural events all around the city of Turku.

The pass can be redeemed through Kide.app and you can pick it up at TUO Lounge in EduCity, TUO's stands, or from Vare ry at the university. We will later announce the possible additional pick-up locations at other higher education institutions.

You can participate in the events either for free or for a small participation fee depending on the event. With a fully stamped pass, you can claim an overall patch suitable for cultural appreciation!

16.4.2024 | Siipibingo

Come eat restaurant Hook's delicious wings whilst shouting bingo for the most plucky selection of prizes! Siipibingo ("Wings Bingo") is, without a doubt, one of our most popular events.

The event will be held in the upper floor of restaurant Hook, and the ticket includes a bingo card and a serving of wings (vegetarian option is cauliflower wings) with medium sauce.

Siipibingo is a part of Vappupassi.

Sold out!

23.4.2024 | Vappubingo

This May Day TUO's Vappubingo will be the bangerest event of the season! Our hosts from BängerBINGO are sure to keep us entertained for the entire hour.

The bingo, of course, has the most banging prizes, most banging vibe, and to top it off, it's a part of the Vappupassi! If this isn't the place you leave with a dancing foot and a song tickling your throat, then nowhere is.

Tickets at Kide.app.

25.4.2024 | AaltoApprot

Set sail and enjoy the sea breeze alongside great food and drinks at AaltoApprot (or "Wave Appro")!

The ticket price includes the event's overall patch and an additional patch for those who successfully completed the appro (without missing the ship). Also included is, of course, a picnic cruise, and the cherry on top is the buffet lunch on the outbound journey – after all, it is a picnic cruise!

The ship departs from Turku harbor at 8:45 AM and returns at 7:50 PM.

The event is a part of Vappupassi.

Tickets at Kide.app. Ticket sales have ended on April 10th.

28.4.2024 | Sillis ilman vujui

Come and spend a relaxed morning in an alcohol-free environment at the TUO Lounge.

We'll have some snacks and great company available, and since it's a casual gathering, you can come just as you are! We'll also have a PlayStation and board games provided by TUO, but feel free to bring your own activities if you prefer.

The event is free to attend and a part of Vappupassi.

29.4.2024 | Röihenkilösitsit

Pack your tools, put on your overalls (work or student) and fill the flask in your work vest pocket as Röihenkilösitsit (roughly translates to "Blue Collar Sitz") is here again!

The construction site can once again be found in Lemppari campus' B-wing, and as usual at a sitz party, there will be food, drinks, lively atmosphere, and a hall filled with resounding singing.

The event is a part of Vappupassi.

Sold out!

30.4.2024 | Vappuvastaanotto

Let's welcome Vappu together with the accompaniment of a DJ! More information coming soon.

Vappuvastaanotto ("May Day Reception") is free to attend and naturally also a part of Vappupassi!