
Let's solve the problems together

Turku University of Applied Sciences Student Union - TUO's purpose is to monitor the interests of students and to make the students' voice heard in the University of Applied Sciences and in the decision-making of the cities - in Salo and Turku. TUO is religiously and politically non-committal and independent of trade unions.

You can turn to student union TUO whenever you have a problem or question related to your studies. Advisor of policy and communication can be involved in resolving conflict situations, improving the quality of education in the education program, and communicating the appearance of students and school personnel. Vaikuttamisen asiantuntijat käsittelevät luottamuksellisesti yhteydenotot.

Ota yhteyttä sähköpostitse

contacts per year

harassment reports per year

articles and opinions per year

Harassment contact person

Harassment is an activity that the harassed person finds unpleasant in some way. It can be related to the harassed person's ethnicity, sexuality, wealth, religion, physical characteristics or gender. Harassment also includes university bullying and discrimination.

Every student has the right to equal treatment and physical and mental integrity at the TUAS. Pursuant to the Equality Act, students may not be discriminated against based on their characteristics. In turn, the law regulating gender equality must also guarantee gender equality in studies. Gender diversity must be recognized and recognized in the higher in education community.


You can contact TUO's harassment contact person if you need an impartial listener to your concerns. Harassment contact persons also provide support for advancing harassment or equality issues. The only exception is situations where the student himself or the rest of the higher education community is threatened with violence. All discussions are confidential and no notes are taken.

You may contact harrasment contact person whit form or whit email.

Olga Hellman

Olga Hellman

Hallituksen pj

Alex Luotonen

Alex Luotonen

Hallituksen VPj

Jasmin Anttila

Jasmin Anttila

Member of the board

Student representative

Student union TUO annually elects student representatives for various important influencing tasks both inside and outside the university of applied sciences. These superheroes of the student community take the views of every TUAS student to the decision-making tables, where decisions are made about the students' issues. One of the most important tasks of the student representative is to know what there is talk in the corridors and what needed to be done so that it would be good for everyone to study and be a university in the community. Of course, you don't have to do this work alone, TUO's staff is always there to support and help whenever needed. Would you be the next student representative, student superhero?

inside TUAS

Examination board
Marko Grönlund

Board of Studies
Juulia Santanen
Vara: Marko Grönlund

TUAS LTD board member
Santeri Levo,
student representive
Turun AMK Oy:n hallitus

Outside TUAS

Turku Student Village Foundation board

Roosa Koli

The Regional Council of Southwest Finland
Toni Saari

* The actual representative is elected from student union TUO every two years


YTHS valtuuskunnan jäsen

Marko Grönlund

TUO's actives

As an active member of TUO, you get to come up with ideas and organize leisure activities together with student union TUO's board members. The student union has an established spectrum of events, but new and fresh ideas are also needed! You can participate in activities with your own desired contribution. If you want to join, send us an email and join TUO community's WhatsApp group.
Technology and business
  • Degree programme in International Business (1 place): Enrique Romero Valderrama
  • Degree programme in Information and Communications Technology (1 place): Artturi Lunnas
  • Liiketalous, Turku (1 paikka): Henna Kaanto
  • Myyntityö (1 place): Open place!
  • Liiketoiminnan logistiikka (1 paikka): Tony Paldan
  • Tietojenkäsittely (1 paikka): Iitu Kuusrainen
  • Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (1 paikka): Sara Sandberg
  • Ajoneuvo- ja kuljetustekniikka (1 paikka): Roope Autio
  • Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (1 paikka): Oona Kaarmela
  • Konetekniikka (1 paikka): Petteri Alatalo
  • Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka (1 paikka): Eetu Pärssinen
  • Prosessi- ja materiaalitekniikka (1 paikka): Linda Aholainen
  • Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (1 place): Open place!
  • Tuotantotalous (1 paikka): Tuomas Mäkelä
  • Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, rakennusmestari (1 place): Josefina Satto
  • Finassipalvelut (1 place):  Henri Tran
  • Rakennusarkkitehti (1 paikka): Mio Luukkonen
  • Taloushallinto (1 paikka): Miska Risku
  • Matkailu ja wellness liiketoimintana (1 paikka): Juulia Tuomenharju

Send a mail about open positions, and you can become the next student superhero!

Health and wellbeing
  • Hammasteknikko / Suuhygienisti (1 place): Open place!
  • Bioanalyytikko / Röntgenhoitaja (1 paikka): Paikka auki!
  • Fysioterapeutti / Toimintaterapeutti (1 paikka): Paikka auki!
  • Sosiaalikasvatus (1 place): Rosa Hynynen
  • Terveydenhoitaja / Kätilö / Ensihoitaja (1 place): Open place!
  • Sairaanhoitaja, Turku & Salo (2 paikkaa): Jesse Mäki, yksi paikka auki!
  • Master School (1 place): Open place!

Send a mail about open positions, and you can become the next student superhero!

  • Kuvataide (kuvataide 1 place, valokuva 1 place, animaatio 1 place): total of 3 places: Open place!
  • Media-ala (elokuva 1 paikka, journalismi 1 paikka, mainonnan suunnittelu 1 paikka, tuotanto ja projektihallinta 1 paikka): yhteensä 4 paikkaa: Santeri Rautiainen, kolme paikkaa auki!
  • Esittävät taiteet (musiikki 1 paikka, tanssi 1 paikka, sirkus 1 paikka, teatteri 1 paikka): yhteensä 4 paikkaa: Jasmin Anttila kolme paikkaa auki!

Send a mail about open positions, and you can become the next student superhero!

Johtoryhmävastaavat 2024

Johtoryhmävastaavat toimivat sanansaattajina oman sektorinsa opiskelijoiden ja henkilöstön välillä. Vastaavan yksi tärkeimmistä tehtävistä on kuunnella käytäviltä kuuluvia haasteita koulutukseen liittyen tai muuhun toimintaan ja kerätä niin ylös, jotta niitä voi kokouksissa nostaa käsiteltäväksi.

Within the sector, there is a monthly meeting together with the school representative and the management team representatives, in addition to this, the representives get to participate in the management team meetings of their sector twice a year.

The student union inform all student representatives and supports and helps them in their activities throughout the year. Let's change things together!