
Better student life together

Welcome to creating an even better student community for all of us. The student union TUO would be nothing without its members and their thoughts and ideas about what the best community in Finland is like. We want to be creating the best community for all of us together, but we need your help. Are you ready to come along?

Our members, student council, board and staff participate in the development of the community. We all want to do our part in creating a better student tomorrow and a prosperous community for all of us. I hope you will join us in creating an even better community.

We are actively involved with OPKU+ in creating new benefits, services and activities to support a better student life. We believe that the improvement of students' affairs progresses through cooperation. As our member, you can be a part of this cooperation as well as the creation of the future.

Become a member here


Own events


Other discounted events

Membership benefits

TUO's membership is the key to the greatest benefits both locally and nationally. As a member of TUO you can get benefits only for members as well as discounts of TUO Lounge's products, such as overall patches and Turku UAS merch. TUO members also get discounts of our student events.

As a member of TUO you also get the products and events of ASK, Helga, HUMAKO, Laureamko, METKA, JAMKO and O’Diako at a membership price. If you want to take part in the events of these student unions, remember to make use of your benefits.

TUO provides personal counseling and helps with study-related issues. TUO's advisors and harassment contact persons are also available to our members to solve study-related challenges. You can also turn to the legal aid committee, for example with the conclusion of a rental agreement.

Being a member means all this and so much more. You can become a member here!


The student union organizes several events every year, such as the legendary Keltanokkabileet, more familiarly known as KNB. All events of the student union are at a reduced price for members.


OPKU+ student unions include Metka, Helga, Laureamko, HUMAKO, O'Diako and JAMKO. The first three operate in the capital region, the next two operate in several locations, and JAMKO operates in Jyväskylä. Members of the student union are entitled to product and event discounts meant for OPKU+ members.

product discounts

Opiskelijakunnan jäsenenä saat alennuksia kaikista TUO Loungen tuotteista ja Loungessa myytävistä Turku AMK:n brändituotteista.

Advisors by your side

TUO's advisors and harassment contact persons are also available to our members to solve study-related challenges. You can also turn to the legal aid committee, for example with the conclusion of a rental agreement.


After buying TUO's membership you get a digital membership card right away at wallet.


You can update the membership card to an official student card via the wallet later. Please note that only an official student card entitles you to public transport discounts (VR, Matkahuolto, Föli) and Kela's meal subsidy (full-time students) and many discounts both nationally and locally.


As a member of TUO you can get benefits only for members as well discount TUO Lounge's products as our student events.


TUO is there for you from the start of your studies until the end - TUO’s advisers will help you, should you encounter troubles such as late grades or inappropriate behavior during your studies.


At TUO's newsletter you get information first about upcoming events and news related to student life.


You get the chance to make an impact: all members have a vote and can run for office in the student union council election.

Terms of membership

Student Union TUO members and terms of membership are stipulated in the Student Union – TUO rules, which can be found at material bank.

Student union TUO members can become students of Turku University of Applied Sciences. The following students of Turku University of Applied Sciences can also become members of the student union: exchange students studying in degree-oriented education, pathway students (so-called green student card), students completing a university diploma (so-called green student card) and students studying with a separate study right (so-called green student card).

HAKA indentification

The members are conditionally accepted as members by the Board of the Student Union until the student has made a HAKA identification. The deadline for HAKA identification is the same day that the members entitled to vote are confirmed for the Student Union Representative Council elections. The date in question will be announced on the student union's social media channels and on the website no later than one month before that date.

After today, the student still has the opportunity to make an identification without gaining the right to vote until the first day of the month of June. On the second day of December, all members who have not made a HAKA identification will be removed from the register and the money will not be returned.

Resigning from membership of the student union

You can resign from a student union by notifying the student union and filling out the Withdrawal form. The form can be found in the material bank of the website.

The membership fee will not be refunded if the conditions for membership are still met: the unused membership fee can only be refunded if the student has resigned from Turku University of Applied Sciences or graduated. The student union charges a ten-euro processing fee for all payment refunds.

The membership fee refund is calculated in accordance with each year's membership fees and other expenses. From the autumn of 2023, the minimum refundable membership fee will correspond to the maximum amount of membership fee (90€). 

Termination of membership of the student union and the return of the membership fee are regulated in the Student Union - TUO's Management and Administration Regulations, which can be found in the material bank of the website.