What is an Student union's TUO student council organizational meeting?

The organizational meeting of the council of 2024 will be held on Monday 27th of November at 17:00 in EDU_1002 Moriaberg.

What even is an organizational meeting? And what is decided there?
The primary target of an organizational meeting is to choose people for positions of trust for the year 2024, such as the council’s presidency, the board’s presidency, and the board. The presidency consists of the chairman and vice-chairman.

Additionally, the working committees and official notification channels for the student union of 2024 are chosen in the meeting.

Who can participate?

All members of the student union are welcome to the organizational meeting of the council and all other council meetings. In decision-making situations, the actual members of the council have the right to vote.

What does the council’s presidency do?

The most important task of the council’s chairman and vice-chairman is to summon and guide the council’s meetings and evening schools. Their work also includes supporting and developing the council’s operations.

They participate in board meetings and influential work as well. Influential work can be i.e. representing in different events and advocating in the name of the student union along with the chairman of the board.

The chairman of the council serves as the student union’s chairman and the vice-chairman as the
student union’s vice-chairman. They can divide their tasks as they see fit.

The council’s presidency must be actual members of the council.

What does the board’s presidency do?

The board’s presidency’s most important task is to guide the board’s actions. These actions are guided by e.g. an action plan and a budget approved by the council. The action plan outlines what the board must achieve during the year, and the budget tells how the money will be spent. The presidency is responsible for the implementation of the plans and acts as the board’s supervisor. The board’s presidency participates actively in the board’s work and they can have their own areas of responsibility in the board.

The board’s presidency’s duties include more representation compared to the board itself, which is carried out together with the chairman of the student union. For example, the chairman of the board meets regularly with the principals of the Turku University of Applied Sciences.

The presidency of the board takes a position on various matters in the name of the student union and they’re responsible for the student union's line on various matters, such as statements and opinion writings.

The presidency of the board can divide the tasks in a way they see fit.

What does the board do?

Together with its presidency the board is responsible for the operational actions of the student union, ergo the practical implementation. This is realized so that the board organizes itself after its election and the members of the board will have different areas of responsibility. In addition to their area of responsibility, a board member's duty is to help the rest of the board and employees in other matters of the student union.

A board member must not only participate in the board's activities, but also in the working committees of their area of responsibility. The board member must report on their actions in their area of responsibility to the board and employees.

The board is responsible for the operational actions of the student union and takes a position on
behalf of the student union. The board also makes decisions about new partners and contracts. The board makes decisions together.

What other areas of responsibility could a member have?

Areas of responsibility can be, for example:

  • Advocasy
  • Tutoring
  • Communication
  • Events
  • Johto

Who can apply for the board?

Anyone can apply for the board! You don't have to be, for example, in TUO's council or other activities.

No previous experience is required either. The main thing is that you have an interest and enthusiasm for government activities and the affairs of the student union.

Piqued your interest?

If you are interested in the activities of the board, you can ask for more information about areas of responsibility or tasks in general from Elias Karjalainen, the current chairman of the board (elias.karjalainen@opiskelijakunta.net; 0456705011).