Student union

About student union

Turku University of Applied Sciences Student Union - TUO's purpose is to monitor the interests of students and to make the students' voice heard in the University of Applied Sciences and in the decision-making of the cities - in Salo and Turku. TUO is religiously and politically non-committal and independent of trade unions.

As a member of Student Union TUO, you get many benefits both locally and nationally. For example, you get discounts on event tickets and services of partner companies, as well as personal help and support in problematic situations of student life.


The student union strategy guides operations for several years. The strategy guides all activities in the student union.

You can find the student union strategy here


The rules of the student union guide the activities and contain e.g. activities of the student council and the board.

You can find the student union rules here!

Management and administration rule

The management and administration rule of the student union specifies the rules and focuses more on practical matters.

You can find the student union management and administration rule here!


The student union TUO board is elected by the student council for one calendar year at a time. The board are operational unit of the student union. They follow the action plan approved by the student council and represent students at important decision-making tables as well as at various student events and informal events. The members of the board work in close cooperation with the staff of the student union for a better tomorrow for students.

Board members are here for the entire community. You can always contact us or grab us by the sleeve in the hallway. We are here just for you.

Olga Hellman

Olga Hellman

Chair of the board

Social politics

045 670 5011

Alex Luotonen

Alex Luotonen

Vicechair of the board

Tuutorointi ja yhteisö

Peppi Kirkkomäki

Peppi Kirkkomäki

Member of the board

Jasmin Anttila

Jasmin Anttila

Member of the board

Lara Mohammadi

Lara Mohammadi

Member of the board

Rosa Hynynen

Rosa Hynynen

Member of the board

Rasmus Rintala

Rasmus Rintala

Member of the board

Mio Luukkonen

Mio Luukkonen

Member of the board

Yritykset ja yhteistyö


The daily activities of the student union at the office are run by the staff together with the board. The staff members act as support for the board in implementing the action plan approved by the student council. All staff members help student representatives, the student council and all members of our community.

You can reach us at TUO Lounge on different days, or we recommend contacting us by email. Whenever you see us walking in the corridors, grab our sleeve if you want to chat. We are here to support and help all community members in any situation.

Marko Grönlund

Marko Grönlund

Executive Director

Aino Mustalahti

Aino Mustalahti

Advisor of Marketing communication

Jukka-Pekka Salmela

Jukka-Pekka Salmela

Advisor of advocacy and guidance



Officer of cleaning

Kia karne

Kia karne

Advisor of wellbeing and guidance

Noora Läntinen

Noora Läntinen

Leading fundraising advisor

Oona Kaarmela

Oona Kaarmela

Chair of student council

Kitisak Paanmongkhon

Kitisak Paanmongkhon

Vicechair of student council

Student council

Student union TUO is managed by a 21-member student council, which meets at least three times a year. The student council is elected in autumn and its term of office is a calendar year. Every member of the student body has the opportunity to run for student council and to vote in student council elections.

The student council decides on the action plan and budget, approves the activity report and the financial statements, determines the amount of the membership fee and decides on possible rule changes. In addition, the student council, e.g. elects TUO's board and student representatives to Turku University of Applied Sciences' board and study support board.

The council group chairperson promote information between the presidency of the student council and his own group. The council group chairman can also lead the activities of his group by organizing group meetings, where the matters to be decided are discussed among the group.

According to the rules of the student union, the chair of the student council is the chair of the student union. The secretary of the student council is the executive director of the student union.

Tekniikan Taitajat

Contact person: Toni Saari

Sanni Huhtiniemi
Toni Saari
Santeri Levo
Onni Kivivirta
Oliver Vesa
Eetu Äikäs
Wiljam Sundström
Sampo Kurttila

Alternate members:
Elsa Rannikko
Erkki Viitala
Vilho Sipilä


Yhteyshenkilö Henri Tran

Alex Luotonen
Henri Tran
Hannah Nurmi
Iris Laineste
Minna Lielahti
Oskari Sahlman

Tuovin Hyvän Mielen Lista

Contact person: Selim Laine

Iiro Peltonen
Lauri Joukas
Selim Laine
Timo Yli-Lankoski

Alternate members:
Aleksi Palmén
Lassi Tapio
Sanni Hohtari


Yhteyshenkilö Maijastiina Hannonen

Maijastiina Hannonen


Contact person: Aamu Keinänen

Aamu Keinänen

Edustajistovaalit 2024

Turun ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta – TUO järjestää edustajistovaalit keskiviikkona 6.11.2024. Varsinaisen vaalipäivän lisäksi järjestetään ennakkoäänestys sähköisenä äänestyksenä. Ennakkoäänestyksen ajankohta on maanantaina 28.10.2024 alkaen klo 00:00 ja päättyy tiistaina 5.11.2024 klo 23:59. 

Varsinainen äänestyspäivä on keskiviikko 6.11.2024, alustavat äänestyspisteet ovat Turun ammattikorkeakoululla Lemminkäisenkadun, ICT-Cityn, Linnankadun sekä Salon toimipisteissä. Varsinaisen vaalipäivän tarkat äänestysajat ja toimipistekohtaiset paikat ilmoitetaan ehdokkaiden julkaisun yhteydessä.  Löydät vaalikuulutuksen ja kaiken infon edustajistovaaleistamme here!


Päivitämme tänne arkipäivisin kerran päivässä perustetut vaalilistat ja listojen yhteyshenkilöt sekä alustavasti ehdolle asettuneet ehdokkaat. Ehdokkaat ovat vasta alustavasti asettuneet ehdolle ja ne voivat muuttua 18.10.2024 klo 12:00 asti.

Perustetut vaalilistat ja lopulliset ehdokkaat sekä listojen yhteyshenkilöt vahvistetaan vielä tänne 22.10.2024 klo 12:00.

Ennen Kunnol-Lista

Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Petteri Alatalo

2 Petteri Alatalo
3 Jarkko Parkkamäki


Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Tuomas Mäkelä

4 Tuomas Mäkelä
5 Pyry Murtoniemi
6 Rasmus Rintala


Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Hannah Nurmi

Vaalirengas: AKAVAn alla

7 Iitu Kuusrainen
8 Minna Lielahti
9 Alex Luotonen
10 Roosa Mustonen
11 Hannah
12 Kitisak Paanmongkhon
13 Juulia Tuomenharju
14 Elli Nikula
15 Enrique Romero
16 Henri Tran
17 Miska Risku


Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Olga Hellman

18 Janni Ekman
19 Olga Hellman
20 Santeri Salonen
21 Milla Mesiranta
22 Amanda Majuri


Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Rosa Hynynen

23 Rosa Hynynen
24 Aamu
25 Jesse Mäki

Tekniikan Taitajat

Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Mio Luukkonen

Vaalirengas: AKAVAn alla

26 Roope Autio
27 Oona Kaarmela
28 Anniina Mattila
29 Santeri Nurmi
30 Eetu Pärssinen
31 Sara Sandberg
32 Eetu Äikäs
33 Mio Luukkonen
34 Peppi Kirkkomäki


Vaalilistan yhteystiedot
perustaja: Heta Lääkkö

35 Heta Lääkkö
36 Veikko Peräkorpi

Partner associations

In Turku University of Applied Sciences also has many educational associations for students of different fields of study. The educational associations monitor the interests of students by field of education together with TUO.

Educational associations can have advocacy, education policy and social policy equivalents who represent their field at teachers' meetings, collect feedback from students, participate in TUOs advocacy meetings and bring feedback from the education program to students.

In addition to educational associations, associations that have Turku University of Applied Sciences students as members can apply to become TUO's partner association. You can read more in the material bank's partner association regulations.



MoMe ry

MoMe ry

Tasokas ry

Tasokas ry



TIO ry

TIO ry

TOY ry

TOY ry







Collegium Musicum Turku ry

Collegium Musicum Turku ry

Turun Wappuradio

Turun Wappuradio

TuKoRes ry

TuKoRes ry

TUAS Tornadoes

TUAS Tornadoes